Latest News
Welcome to the NDH latest news - a source of information from and about our partners and business to business services.
Customer conversations helping to inform future decision making
At North Devon Homes, we’re committed to creating communities where people want to live. We know that the key to this is listening to our customers...
Giving Back to Our Communities: The Spirit of North Devon Homes
There’s something truly inspiring about seeing a team work together to make our communities shine. Recently a few teams of volunteers here at North...
Barnstaple community garden wins highest praise at Britain in Bloom awards ceremony
Volunteers at Heppenstall Road Community Garden in Barnstaple are celebrating after being awarded the highest honour by judges at the recent Britain...
Memory cafes to launch in Barnstaple to support customers
Starting on Tuesday 5 th November, North Devon Homes will be providing a monthly safe and friendly space for our customers who are experiencing memory...
Urging caution after scam housing claim leaves customer with court bill
Customers are being advised to be wary of ‘no win, no fee’ housing disrepair scams after a resident was left with a bill of more than £1,500 when...
Our annual report: Designed by customers, for customers
By Jane, Involved Customer and Chair of Customer Board Partnership Customers of North Devon Homes will have recently received a copy of the 2023/24...