North Devon Homes achieves highest rating for its work with its customers
North Devon Homes (NDH) is pleased to announce that we have been assessed as having the highest rating (C1) under the new Consumer Regulations following a recent inspection by the Regulator of Social Housing.
The inspection was one of the very first under the Regulations that came into force in April. The Government’s inspectors focused on how well we were performing against the Regulatory Standards, including the new Consumer Regulations.
The Regulator of Social Housing introduced the new consumer standards to improve customer safety, ensure accountability, and enhance the quality of housing and services provided by social landlords. So, the top-grade C1 assessment puts us amongst the very best landlords in the sector for the services we deliver to our customers.
They assessed various areas, with a particular emphasis on the safety and quality of homes, tenancy management, and our transparency and accountability to customers. The process included interviews with our Executive Team, Board Members, and Customers, as well as observations of Board and customer meetings, and a thorough review of our performance across a wide range of areas.
We are pleased to confirm that our gradings have been confirmed as:
- Governance: G1 (highest)
- Viability: V2 (compliant)
- Consumer: C1 (highest)
These outstanding results reflect the hard work and dedication of our entire team including involved customers. They have worked over many years to create and embed a successful customer care and community landlord culture. We are especially proud of this approach that ensures our customers are central to decisions and choices we make as well as helping to monitor our performance, linking our customers up from their front room to the Board room.
Commenting on the regulatory judgement, Martyn Gimber, Chief Executive of North Devon Homes, said: “I am extremely proud of this achievement by the team and what it means for the community of North Devon. It sets us up as one of the highest performing Registered Providers in terms of neighbourhood and community focus, property maintenance, customer safety and landlord compliance, asset management and customer engagement. I want to thank everyone who was involved and worked tirelessly to deliver this brilliant result for Team NDH.”