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Staff from North Devon Homes at the Customer Summer Fayre 2023 inside a marquee playing a game with a customer and their child.

Annual Report 2023

Welcome to the North Devon Homes 2022-2023 Annual Report, which looks at how we performed over the last financial year.

We’ve tried to keep this report simple and to showcase some important information throughout.  Look out for these descriptions in the report, which will help to guide you:

"VfM" - will highlight costs and value for money data

"Customer Voice" - will explain where customers have helped influence services

"What does this mean?" - will give more information on terminology that might not be clear


We are a community landlord and, although we are in challenging times, we want to do all we can to help support our customers sustain their tenancies.  This report highlights the good work but also shows where we may have got things wrong or haven’t met our ambitions yet, giving us more that we can aim for in the next twelve months.

Martyn Gimber

Chief Executive

Martyn Gimber; Chief Executive; smiling man wearing a jacket and blue shirt

Working together with customers and staff

This Annual Report is a chance for customers to see how NDH is performing.  As the Chair of CBP (Customer Board Partnership), other customers and I get to see first-hand the changes that NDH makes each year based on our customer voice.  I believe that working together we can ensure that everyone will have access to safe, comfortable and affordable homes which meet our customer needs while also protecting the environment.


CBP Chair

Jane profile head and shoulders photo.

A note from our Board

This Annual Report comes at a difficult time for our business and our customers. The last twelve months have been tough, with rising costs in all areas - and the current year will be even more of a challenge to navigate.  We know that by working together with our customers we can make sure that the service we are providing offers the best for customers, whilst also being the best value for money that we can achieve.

Colin Dennis

Chair of the Board

Colin Dennis, Chair of the Board; head and shoulder grey haired man in pink shirt